Manhattan Area Standing Committee Meeting Schedule

Manhattan Area Service Conference (MASC) Monthly Meeting

First Saturday of every month at 10:00 AM. Zoom ID# 890 1028 0016 | PW: 601396

MASC Steering Committee

Thursday before Area at 6:00 PM. Zoom ID# 847 4917 0735 | PW:737805

Activities Committee

Every Other Wednesday. Zoom ID# 836 4399 1347 | PW: 359485

Hospitals and Institutions (H&I) Committee

First Saturday of every month at 2:15 PM. Zoom ID# 817 1123 4556 | PW: 089659

Policy Committee

Third Tuesday of every month at 8:00 PM. Zoom ID# 853 6301 8862
Passcode: 906843

Public Information Committee

Second Wednesday of every month at 8:00 PM. Zoom ID# 844 6388 2772 | Passcode: 601165

Unity Committee

Every other Friday at 6:00 PM. Zoom ID# 870 2182 7092 | PW: 075045

Website Committee

Second Saturday of every month at 1:30 PM. Zoom ID# 813 6119 4242 | Passcode: 782760